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Color, Color, Everywhere - but not a Drop of Ink!

So I was poking around trying to find a new technique to use for my Chrsitmas cards this year. (Half-way to Christmas - June 25th - Yay!!) And I saw this Bleach technique in a recent issue of Stampin' Success - the Stampin' Up Demonstrator Magazine - and thought it was very pretty for Florals, but how would it be for Christmas?! I really did not find many examples of what I was envisioning... Imagine snowflakes dusted across Night of Navy cardstock, enhanced or subtle depending on the strength of bleach, or perhaps some gift ribbon with bleached out ornaments or snowflakes... Then I found these adorable cards at by Erin K., gm2785, and Rhonda3:

The first, the bird was recolored with pencil after the bleach/emboss. The other two both look to have used black embossing powder... I love the Snow effect!

Here are a couple of tutorials on Bleach Stamping, there were others to be found online, but without photos and very much the same thing -- not a difficult technique :-)

Bleach Stamping tutorial from

Bleach Emboss technique from

AND it can be used for scrapbooking!

take a look at this sample page - kind of a watery effect
Scrapbook sample of Bleach Stamping at

Scrapbook Linen Cover of Album done with Bleach This is the cover of an album, beautiful roses and a phrase, all bleached into the fabric! Brave woman! I would highly suggest some practice sessions

What a cool technique to buff up on before the holidays are here... I can see this being ultimately used across the holidays - some ghosts or a nice Halloween moon, for Christmas with the snow effect or a nice angelic-glow, new years fire-crackers or clocks glowing, Valentines hearts, Easter Eggs, the beautiful Floral examples for Mothers Day or Spring cards, and so on... Wow!

What are your tips for Best Bleach Stamping Results?

1 comment:

  1. I just ran across your blog...beautiful! And you are one organized lady to be thinking about Christmas cards in June! Mine are usually post marked the day after the actual event...if they get sent out at all :0(


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